Life and Learning in the Library

This term our students are being challenged to;

be curious, ask questions, seek answers, read and learn

The Years 3-6 class will be practising all these learning behaviours in a guided inquiry on the features and importance of Aboriginal dance. Today, we shared our existing knowledge of Aboriginal dance and formed our questions which we will attempt to answer over the next 2 weeks using reliable, relevant information sources.

The Prep-2 students are always encouraged to ask questions and seek answers when we read together. Please continue this practice at home as you can model being curious about the world and seeking answers to your questions by reading reliable information.

Access to Senior Fiction

We require a signed permission letter from guardians before a student in Year 5 and 6 can borrow from our senior fiction collection. Please discuss this with your Year 5 or Year 6 student and request a permission letter for more details if you would like your student to have access to this collection. 

Engaged readers enjoying a humorous story 

Happy readers!

Free choice is the best!

Happy Reading Everyone!

Anne Anderson 

Teacher Librarian

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