Term 1, Week 8 - 20th March, 2025
From the Acting Principal

Dear families,
Welcome to the end of Week 8! The end of Term 1 is fast approaching.
Congratulations to Our Year 3 and 5 NAPLAN Students!
We are incredibly proud of our Year 3 and 5 students for completing their NAPLAN testing! Your hard work, dedication, and perseverance have truly paid off. This is a significant milestone, and you all have shown remarkable effort and resilience throughout the process.
Keep up the fantastic work, and remember that this is just one small part of your educational journey. Celebrate your achievements and continue to strive for excellence. Well done, everyone! 🎉📚
Multi-Tiered System of Supports
We are excited to share that our school will be working in partnership with the Diocese of Toowoomba Catholic Schools Office to embark on a journey to enhance our teaching and support systems through Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS). MTSS is a framework that helps us provide the right level of support to every student, ensuring they succeed academically, socially, and emotionally. Over the next three years, we will be partnering with Associate Professor Shiralee Poed and Madeleine Hopper from the University of Queensland to guide us in this important work. We look forward to working together to enhance the nurturing and effective learning environment we provide to all our students.
I hope you all have an enjoyable end to your week.
Yours faithfully,
Liv Osborne
Acting Principal

Library News
"Libraries store the energy that fuels the imagination. They open up windows to the world and inspire us to explore and achieve and contribute to improving our quality of life"
Sidney Sheldon
Families and students can enjoy stories and information via the library database at St Maria Goretti School - Inglewood
Check out the following resources found under Dashboards - Online Resources
Squiz Kids Podcasts and Quizzes
An age-appropriate resource for 8-12 year olds for current affairs and world knowledge. A great place to start some real-world conversations based on reliable information.
Audio Books and Chapter Books on Wheelers e-platform
Stories read aloud and with captions on Storybox Hub
Reliable facts from Britannica School
Information video clips from ClickView and ABC Education
All classes have established good browse and borrow skills this term and we have enjoyed our read aloud titles. During our information literacy time, we are working on location skills to be independent library users and seekers of relevant information for our learning tasks.
Happy Reading Everyone!
Anne Anderson
Teacher Librarian
Traffic Management Plan
In line with Toowoomba Catholic Schools processes and procedures, the below Traffic Management Plan has been written for St Maria Goretti School.
Please familiarise yourself with the plan to ensure the safety of students, staff and the community to manage traffic risks in and around school premises, particularly at school drop off and pick up times.
This plan was endorsed at the Parent Engagement Network meeting on Wednesday and will be enforced from the beginning of Term 2.
School Fees due
A reminder that school fees are now overdue. Please settle your account as soon as possible.
Some families will be receiving follow up correspondence in the coming weeks to double check their current situation or change of circumstances. Chasing up overdue fees is a very time-consuming task. Your prompt payment allows us to successfully pay for class resources and extra-curricular activities, such as school camp. It also enables us to confidently enter into the new year in a good financial position to continue to offer quality teaching and learning experience, updated facilities and desired staffing levels.
We expect some kind of regular payment commitment from all families and for debts not to be ever increasing.
If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please contact the office to make an appointment with Liv Osborne.
Caritas - Lent Week 3

Caritas - Lent Week 4

Our School Prayer

Inglewood Show Winning Entries - Congratulations!

Congratulations to our prize winners at the 2025 Inglewood Show
- Stefan Kohn: First Prize and Champion Prize Juvenile Art
- Poppy Brown: Highly Commended Juvenile Art
- Pippa Draper-Garner: Second Prize Juvenile Art
- Amelia Walker: Highly Commended Juvenile Art
- Heathe Draper-Garner: Highly Commended Juvenile Art
- Carter Baty-Stone: Highly Commended Juvenile Art
- Stefan Kohn: Highly Commended Juvenile Art
- Farren Smith: First Prize Decorated Biscuits
Enrol Now for 2025
Please visit our school website for information about enrolment https://www.inglewood.catholic.edu.au/enrol or call the office on 4652 1109.

Parent Engagement Network (PEN)
Parent Engagement Network
2025 Parent Engagement Network Executive -
Chairperson | Melissa Callaghan |
Secretary | Gabe Groves |
Fundraising Coordinator | Michelle Walker |
Our next PEN meeting will be on:
Wednesday 21st May
Please contact Liv, Melissa, Gabe or Mandy to add an item to the agenda.
All parents are very welcome to attend the PEN meeting as a rewarding way to get involved with the school community and keep up to date with school events, policies and projects.

Strategic Plan 2023-2026

Cobb+Co Easter Holiday Program

Cobb+Co Easter Holiday Program – Virtual Reality (VR)
Book online at: https://www.museum.qld.gov.au/cobb-and-co/whats-on/build-your-own-vr-headset
The Australian School of Entrepreneurship (ASE) comes with an enormous reputation. Within the workshop participants will:
- Build and personalise your own cardboard VR (Virtual Reality) headset to keep
- Learn to unlock its full potential with a smartphone
- Embark on an interactive museum trail to collect materials
- Customise their headset for a one-of-a-kind experience
- While doing this the ASE will deliver, at the appropriate age level, their special brand of:
- Creative thinking
- Entrepreneurship
- Local problems identification, solving and planning
- Encourage our youth to be the leaders of the future
- Wednesday 9 to Friday 11 April 2025 – 4 sessions a day
- Designed for ages 5-12, but all ages are welcome
- Other sessions are available for older children and adults (12+)
- BYO own smartphone or use a parent/guardian’s phone for the session
- $15 per child, which includes workshop and museum entry