Term 4, Week 1 - 5th October, 2022
From the Principal

Dear families,
Welcome to the first week of our final term of the year. We have continued to enjoy a year of learning together and the general attitude of excitement has been felt throughout the school. As I walk through our learning spaces there are many different expressions of learning on display and I am grateful for the dedicated staff that we have here at St Maria Goretti. I trust that you enjoyed some time together as a family over the term break and hope that you and your children are feeling refreshed and ready for this final term.
When you next visit the school you will see our new toilet facility building project. It is looking fantastic so far. There is still a bit of work to be completed, which will take place early in November.
We begin our term welcoming Miss Elizabeth Key to St Maria Goretti as our new 3-6 teacher. Elizabeth has already started to build positive relationships with the students and staff and has been introducing students to her new routines and high expectations. We are very grateful to have Miss Key as part of our team and we are looking forward to having her with us now and into the future. Please feel welcome to come into the school to introduce yourself to Elizabeth.
We have a very busy term planned so please make sure you keep reading our newsletters and checking other forms of communication from the school. For up and coming important dates, please see the calendar to the left.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Yours in education,
Casey Robinson
“I trust in the goodness of God.” (Mary MacKillop, 1873)
Office News
School Fees:
Term 4 Tuition Fees have been issued today. If you haven't received an email with your invoice or statement, please see Mandy. Term 3 (and previous) fees are now OVERDUE.
At St Maria Goretti, we have several payment options for your convenience: cash, cheque, EFTPOS, and Centrepay. For further details on these payment options, please see the school office.
If you are having difficulty making payment, please contact the office to arrange a time to speak with Casey.
Library News

Book Fair was an outstanding success thanks to your generous support! We earned $519.90 in commission and have $300.00 worth of new books for the student collection and $181.50 in Rewards points to spend over the next 12 months. A very big thank you to families and to Mrs Zalae Smith and Mrs Mandy Mead for running the Fair.
Student Borrowing in Term 4
Please encourage weekly borrowing and provide plenty of reading time at home as the last week for borrowing will be Week 6, with loans due in Week 7. This is necessary for us to complete our end of year tasks. Returning students in Prep to Year 5, who wish to borrow for the holidays and have no overdue books, may select books on Friday in Week 8.
Learning in the Library
Prep to Year 2 will be consolidating their library knowledge and book preferences while continuing to enjoy our wonderful Junior Fiction books each week.
Year 3-6 will be engaging in book talks, interview style and an inquiry into aspects of Antarctica which they are curious about.
Happy Reading Everyone!
Anne Anderson
Students of the week - Week 1

Congratulations to Taylor (Year 1) and Rachael (Year 3)!
Sight Word Certificates

Week 1
Happy Birthday!

Parent Partnership Forum
Chairperson: Christine Apted
Secretary: Corinne McPherson
Next meeting: Wednesday 19th October, 3:30pm in the P-2 classroom
Please see Christine, Corinne or Casey if you would like anything added to the agenda.
- Our annual SMG Colour Run raised a total of $1842.00 for our school. Thank you to all who supported and participated in this event.
- Over the holiday break, we catered at the Greenup Showcase. A big thank you goes to Mandy, Melissa and Michelle for volunteering their time over the two days. A total of $565.00 was raised.
- We are asking our families and community businesses for donations for our up and coming Cent Sale (October 29th). Please bring any donations to the school office. We thank you in advance for your generosity and support. All money raised will be going towards funding new playground equipment for students.


Our Lady of the Southern Cross Parish - Mass Times

Saturday 8th October - 5:30pm Mass
Sunday 16th October - 9am Lay Lead Liturgy
Sunday 23rd October - 9am Mass
Sunday 30th October - 9am Lay Lead Liturgy