Term 3, Week 8 - 29th August, 2024
From the Principal
Dear parents and carers,
Child Protection Week - Week 9
The theme for Child Protection Week this year is “Every Conversation Matters.” As parents and carers, conversations between you and your children are vital – you are the most important people in your child’s life to advocate for them, listen to them, and share messages of safety and support.
This year during Child Protection Week we encourage parents and carers to speak with their children about their understanding of safety and their support networks. The National Office of Child Safety launched their “One Talk at a Time” campaign earlier in the year. Alongside this campaign they released a list of resources about how to have a conversation with your children and young people about safety. You can access these resources here: Having conversations with children and young people | National Office for Child Safety
During Child Protection Week our students will engage in a number of activities to reinforce safety messages – they will be provided with two activities to complete in class time including a “My Safe People” activity and a Child Protection themed Paper Chatterbox.
Should any student be concerned about how they are being treated by an adult, or another child or young person, they are encouraged to speak up to a trusted staff member or one of our School Student Protection Contacts (SSPCs). All students are regularly reminded who our SSPCs are, and that they are depicted on the ‘Keeping Safe’ posters located around the school.
Child Protection really is everyone’s business, and we are committed to making our school a safe, secure, and protected place of learning for every student.
A prayer for children
Lord, we pray for Your emotional, physical, and spiritual protection over our children.
Keep evil far from them, and help them to trust You as their refuge and strength.
Lead them in Your wisdom and truth, and help them to seek Your guidance in all things.
May they walk in Your ways and grow in understanding and in righteousness.
Grant them the courage to follow the path You have laid out for them, trusting in Your love and provision.
We ask You to protect their steps and keep them safe from harm.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Please don't forget to book your Term 3 parent teacher interview through the Sentral for Parents app. Please contact the office if you need assistance. Term 3 interviews will commence next week. Attending the parent teacher interviews are a valuable opportunity to:
- get to know your child’s teachers
- help your child’s teachers understand more about your child
- learn more about your child’s academic, emotional and social development
- make plans with the teacher about how to support your child
- build a partnership with your child’s school.
Term 4 School Camp
Camp forms have been sent home. Please return these forms to the school office as soon as possible to assist us with planning.
Yours in education,
Casey Robinson
Sport with Mrs Osborne
Hi families,
We have had such a fantastic Term 3 when it comes to sport and P.E. lessons.
The students have been exposed to 4 different sports this Term during P.E. lessons and have loved every minute of it! Firstly, we started with Netball during weeks 1-3 in the lead up to the Years 4/5/6 class attending the Catholic Schools Netball Carnival in Toowoomba.
During weeks 4-7, the students were introduced to the rules and skills of Cricket and T-Ball. Cricket has been particularly popular with many of the students playing it during lunch breaks. Unfortunately, the Goondiwindi Cricket Cup Carnival for the Years 3/4/5/6 students was cancelled this Term, but the children still loved learning a new sport! We are hoping to organise a Cricket clinic towards the end of Term 4.
To finish off the Term (across weeks 8-10), we have started working on our Tennis skills! Our first session, although extremely hot, was full of fun games and skill building activities to get them used to the language and foundational skills of tennis.
I hope that your children have found a love for physical education this Term. I have loved being able to introduce them to several sports and get active with them each week!
Kind regards,
My New Gallery
Library News
What fun costumes and book-based activities we enjoyed last Thursday to mark the annual Children's Book Council of Australia (CBCA) Book Week!
Thank you to all the families and staff for preparing and participating so heartily in our character dress-up. I hope you enjoyed the shared photos. See below for photos of the library-based activities - creating a paper garden, emoji book titles and decorated magician's hat to guess our favourite book.
Book Week in the Library
Our Book Fair is nearly here! It will open at 8.00am next Thursday 5th September, so come along to find the best new books and help to earn free books for our library!
Opening Hours:
Thursday 5th September - 8.00am - 4.00pm
Friday 6th September - 8.00am - 1.00pm
Monday 9th September - 8.00am - 12.00 noon
Watch for updates on the school Facebook page
Students will have an opportunity to view the books available for purchase during their library session on Thursday 5th and they can make a wish list at this time. Payment can be made online, if families can't visit the fair in person, and the items will then be given to the students.
Scholastic have advised that books will be priced from $5.00, with a larger number of titles priced at $10 than in previous years, in an effort to assist families. We look forward to your support!
I'm on leave during Week 9 and 10 so I thank you for your support of the library service this term and wish you a safe and happy Spring holiday.
Keep reading up the magic!
Anne Anderson
Teacher Librarian
Enrol Now for 2025
Please visit our school website for information about enrolment https://www.inglewood.catholic.edu.au/enrol or call the office on 4652 1109.
Students of the Week - Week 8
Sight Word Certificates
Parent Engagement Network (PEN)
Parent Engagement Network
2024 Parent Engagement Network Executive -
Chairperson | Melissa Callaghan |
Secretary | Gabe Groves |
Fundraising Coordinator | Michelle Walker |
Our next PEN meeting will be on:
Wednesday the 16th of October in the
school library at 3:30pm
Please contact Casey, Melissa, Gabe or Mandy to add an item to the agenda.
All parents are very welcome to attend the PEN meeting as a rewarding way to get involved with the school community and keep up to date with school events, policies and projects.
Strategic Plan 2023-2026
St Ursula's College Come and Try Day
St Ursula’s College Toowoomba Fun & Fitness – Come and Try Day 2024 is on Thursday, 5 September. The event will run from 8:30am to 2:30pm, with morning tea and lunch provided and is open to current Year 5 & Year 6 students. This day offers your daughter the opportunity to meet other students, participate in fun-filled activities and experience what it is like to be an 'Ursie Girl'. Following this, St Ursula's College extend the invite to families who would like to try out Boarding. Spend the night at our Boarding House, enjoy dinner with fellow boarders, breakfast is included. Please email sucenrolment@twb.catholic.edu.au or call 07 4631 0870.