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St Maria Goretti School, Inglewood

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Learning support

At St Maria Goretti Schoolour teaching staff work in partnership with parentsschool officers, advisory visiting teachers and health professionals to optimise our students learning opportunities and their interaction within the classroom and wider school community. 

Further, when teachers plan, they recognise the variety of learning styles and academic abilities within their classes. As a result, they look for ways in which they might be able to tailor programs that best suit the children in their care. 
We have allocated resources (both human and material) to support those students who may be experiencing difficulties in the short or longer term. Learning support hours are built into the overall timetable so that those students who need it can be given individualised attention. The Toowoomba Catholic Schools Office also provide the services of advisory staff who visit the school on a regular basis such as an Occupational Therapist, Speech Pathologist, Guidance Counsellor and Education Officers. 

Our Learning Support teacher oversees the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) process, identifying students who have ongoing learning difficulties or a learning disability so that funding is allocated to the school and support is provided appropriately.